Page 67 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 67

You’Re	hiRed!	inteRview	anSweRS  THE CaR MODEL

                                 Remember the CaR model from Chapter 1? The acronym will help you
                                 to structure answers in a way that gives the interviewer a clear picture of
                                 what you did in a particular situation. It stands for:

                                 n	 Circumstances (or Context)
                                 n	 action (what you did)
                                 n	 Results (what happened as a result of what you did).

                                 We will use this model to critique the answers to all the example questions
                                 that follow.

                                 Recognising task-based questions

                                 What should you quickly look out for in an interview question to tell you that
                                 the interviewer is looking for a task-based answer? From our experience,
                                 questions containing a combination of the following words should trigger your
                                 recognition of a task focused question. Words like:

                                 organise  goal       objective  delivery    targets      deadlines
                                 budget    system     process    steps       stages       project
                                 manage    implement  execution  monitoring  controlling  measure

                                 questions containing words or phrases built around these ‘task’ words are
                                 likely to require a clear, structured answer from you, showing what you actually

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