Page 66 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 66


Thought                                                   Task                                              taSk-BaSed	QueStionS

              People                                                                                                            Though


Putting thtaesk CaR model to work                                                                                                   peo

In Chapter 2 we showed how the ‘task, thought, people’ model can be used to

prepare yourself for interview; now is the time to put this preparation to work.

This section looks at how to recogniseGqivue eosnteiosnpescitfhicaetxaarmeplter.ying to get at your

‘task’ skills and competencies, as well as showing you a range of questCioirncusmasntadnces
answers. The exaIimsntgepartvlheieewrqienurgestions
and we will go thrdoeutagilsh to identify            and  answers will be pitched at different levels
                                                                  Who? How?

                                                          mainW‘hdeons?’ aWndhy?‘don’ts’ of framing strong

answers to these tough questions.                         Where? Your role?

Interviewer                                                  What did you do?            Action
is gathering                                                        How?
evidence                                                            Why?

                                                          What did you do next?

Interviewer                                                  Outcome                     Results
is gathering                                               Other views/
confidence                                                  Feedback
                                                          Any hard data


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