Page 69 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 69

You’Re	hiRed!	inteRview	anSweRS         PRACTISE USING CARaCtivitY	3

                                                    Spend a few minutes considering the following. Try to recall examples of
                                                    situations where you have had to:
                                                    n	 organise something relatively complex
                                                    n	 deliver something to a tough deadline
                                                    n	 implement a new process or system
                                                    n	 overcome significant obstacles to achieving an objective
                                                    n	 coordinate resources to achieve a goal.
                                                    Use the CaR process to frame a short description of each example,
                                                    making sure that you cover the circumstances, the action you took and
                                                    the result.

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