Page 68 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 68

Task-based questions are trying to reveal your approach to getting things                       taSk-BaSed	QueStionS
done. Are you methodical and systematic in your delivery style – or are you
a more creative implementer? How do you go about prioritising or project
management? How do you track and monitor progress to ensure delivery to
target, budget or quality standards?

More than for other kinds of questioning, it is important that the medium and
the message line up in the way that you build your answers. In other words,
if your answers are poorly structured and all over the place, it will be hard to
convince the interviewer that you are systematic and organised in the way that
you implement tasks!

Task-based questions are trying to reveal your
approach to getting things done.

Preparing to respond to task-based

We are not suggesting that you should memorise answers in advance of an
interview – you should always frame your answers based on the question
you are actually asked. However, it does help to have in your mind some
good examples of pieces of work you have delivered – or have been closely
involved with – that showcase your delivery and ‘task’ competencies. It can
be surprisingly difficult to come up with your best examples in the heat of the
interview moment.

Have in mind some good examples of work you
have delivered that showcases your delivery and
‘task’ competencies.

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