Page 70 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 70

ExamplE IntERvIEw                                                                               taSk-BaSed	QueStionS		examPLe	inteRview	anSweRS

The remainder of this chapter contains example interview questions and
answers to give you a feel for how to interpret and respond in the best way. We
will help you to explore what not to say, by reviewing poor answers, and will
show you better answers on which you can model your own responses.

Levels	of	question

We have split our examples into three broad sections to differentiate between
different levels of role:
n	 Graduate/trainee management
n	 Middle management
n	 Senior management.
At entry and middle levels of recruitment, the task domain is mostly about self-
organisation, planning and personal delivery style and how you meet deadlines
and quality standards; at more senior levels it is about mustering resources
and lining them up to deliver the required goal.
We suggest that you use the examples from all levels as part of your practice:
the intent of the question will be relevant, only the expected scope of the
answer will change.

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