Page 73 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 73

taSk-BaSed	QueStionS		examPLe	inteRview	anSweRS                  n	 Make your own role clear: ‘I took on the job’ does not make it clear whether
                                                                     you were being proactive or were responding to someone else’s request.

                                                                 n	 Timing: over what period did this all happen – hours, days? Putting in some
                                                                     of this detail makes the example more vivid and convincing.

                                                             interviewer:	tell	me	about	your	experience	of	managing	or	
                                                             monitoring	expenditure	against	a	budget	–	give	me	an	exam-
                                                             ple	if	you	can.

                                                        7 Poor answer:

                                                            “Well, when I was secretary of the sports and leisure committee I was

                                                                 responsible for looking after the amenities budget – basically the budget for
                                                                 any minor repairs or refurbishments that were needed to the sports hall and
                                                                 changing facilities. It was really a matter of checking that we could afford any
                                                                 proposed repairs, that we got the cheapest quote and that the trades people

                                                            got paid at the end of the work.”

                                                                 Why is this a poor response?

                                                                 As well as missing out the C	a	R structure, the example described does not
                                                                 give the interviewer any clear evidence about your approach to monitoring and
                                                                 controlling and this is probably what they are after. The intent behind this task
                                                                 based question is likely to be as follows:

                                                                 n	 Can this person control things?
                                                                 n	 Does this person monitor what is going on so that they can control things?
                                                                 n	 How does this person monitor what is going on so that they can control

                                                                 n	 Does this person measure and check the right things to ensure that the

                                                                     flow (be it money, time, electricity or project days) is predictable and that
                                                                     the resource won’t run out unexpectedly?

                                                                 The answer above does not cover any of these points.

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