Page 77 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 77

taSk-BaSed	QueStionS		examPLe	inteRview	anSweRS                  For task-based questions, try to give your answers using ‘tasky’ language. For
                                                                 example, use terms:

                                                                 n	 prioritise
                                                                 n	 checklist
                                                                 n	 plans
                                                                 n	 targets
                                                                 n	 measures/metrics
                                                                 n	 schedule

                                                             interviewer:	i	see,	so	what	were	the	main	obstacles	you	had	to	

                                                        7 Poor answer:

                                                            “Well a lot of stuff got in the way really. The team wanted to try and do all

                                                                 three exhibitions in-house and a lot of time was wasted convincing them that
                                                                 we had to outsource, but I managed this in the end. Once it was clear that
                                                                 I couldn’t win the argument to pull the other exhibitions, I concentrated on
                                                                 convincing them that Excom was the important one and that we had to work
                                                                 flat out on it. Another problem was the design agencies. We hadn’t used either
                                                                 agency before and I was really worried that they wouldn’t be up to our quality
                                                                 standards, especially given the timescale, so I had to spend a lot of time with
                                                                 them getting them up to speed; I was on their backs a lot but it paid off in the


                                                                 This answer manages to be both vague and very negative in its tone: sounding
                                                                 negative is a risk when you are asked to describe ‘obstacles’ or problems that
                                                                 occurred. What is needed is a much more structured and positively oriented
                                                                 answer, as we show next.

                                                        3 Better answer:

                                                            “There were three main challenges in this situation. First was putting all the

                                                                 evidence in front of the team to make it clear that we had to outsource; once
                                                                 I showed them the work schedule and the key dates they agreed that we had
                                                                 to go to an agency. Second was the challenge of getting the agencies up to

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