Page 78 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 78

speed; I got them to come in for a briefing, meeting our team and setting up                    taSk-BaSed	QueStionS		examPLe	inteRview	anSweRS
the review meetings so that we could check progress. Third, I wanted to make
sure that we avoided the same situation in the future, so I set up a working
group to make sure that we had better scheduling in place to anticipate

workflow problems like this.”

This follow-up answer is structured, it is clear in describing the steps that were
taken and it emphasises positive aspects of the situation, rather than dwelling
on negatives. In this case the interviewee has also taken the opportunity to
show that they have learned from the experience and done something about it.


   Interviewers will often ask ‘what did you learn from the situation?’
   Anticipating this question in your answer is a good way of helping the
   interviewer out, and it always impresses.

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