Page 79 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 79

taSk-BaSed	QueStionS		examPLe	inteRview	anSweRS         Middle management level

                                                                 At this level you can anticipate that the questioner will be probing still more
                                                                 and be expecting you to be more ‘managerial’ in your answers – in other
                                                                 words, to consider the wider consequences of your actions and multiple
                                                                 factors/resources that had to be organised to deliver the result.

                                                                 Here are some examples.

                                                             interviewer:	one	of	the	competencies	we	are	interested	
                                                             in	is	monitoring	and	controlling;	can	you	give	me	an	
                                                             example	of	a	situation	where	your	approach	to	monitoring	
                                                             was	important	to	achieving	an	objective?

                                                        7 Poor answer:

                                                            “Yes, I think that in operational situations such as the one you have here in

                                                                 the dispatch department it’s really important that you have a good feel for
                                                                 how everything is running. I use the PRIME 2 system; I think it does a really
                                                                 good job of monitoring batch delivery. If you set it up right you can get instant
                                                                 progress reports, for example relating to particular consignments or to any
                                                                 delays in the system. I relied on it a lot in my last job because it took a lot of
                                                                 the guesswork out of work scheduling. So my approach is to make sure that

                                                            there is a reliable system in place and I think PRIME 2 is hard to beat.”

                                                                 There is not much evidence of CaR being applied here. While the answer
                                                                 might be OK as an advert for PRIME 2 (whatever that is!), it doesn’t give the
                                                                 interviewer much information about this person’s approach to monitoring
                                                                 and controlling. In particular, it fails to give the required concrete example.
                                                                 The mistake here is to ‘hear’ the last part of the question, ‘your approach to
                                                                 monitoring’, but to miss the all-important ‘give me an example’.

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