Page 84 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 84

Senior management level                                                                         taSk-BaSed	QueStionS		examPLe	inteRview	anSweRS

At more senior levels of recruitment you can expect the scope of the questions
to be wide, with the interviewer looking for answers that are pitched at the
right level. For example, if the job you are applying for is head of training in a
large, multi-site organisation, the interviewer is going to want to be reassured
that you recognise the scope of the job and that your competencies are up to
it. This means that you should try to use examples that reflect the challenges
the job will hold. You are unlikely to impress if you limit yourself to examples
based on running a small training department in one location. You will need to
think of those things that you have been involved in that show you can deliver
At more senior levels, the interviewer will also be expecting to see that you
can deliver through other people, and not just through your own task focus.
At department or functional head level (or higher) the interviewer will want to
know things like:
n	 whether you can win and coordinate resources
n	 the scale of your objective setting
n	 that you measure and monitor the right things
n	 that you can create the conditions that let people deliver
n	 that you are able to initiate, to make things happen.

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