Page 89 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 89

You’Re	hiRed!	inteRview	anSweRS         IN A NUTSHELL

                                                    Task-based questions need a structured, task-based answer. The
                                                    interviewer wants to know what you did and how you did it. To summarise:
                                                    n	 Think through some good, task-based examples of your work in

                                                    n	 Look out for the key words that tell you if the interviewer is expecting a

                                                        task-based answer.
                                                    n	 Follow the CaR structure as you give your answer – Circumstances,	

                                                        action,	Result.
                                                    n	 It’s OK to top and tail your answers with more general points, but not

                                                        at the expense of a clear, concrete example.
                                                    n	 Structure your answer, tell the interviewer what you did first, second,

                                                    n	 Be succinct and avoid too many digressions or side issues.

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