Page 94 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 94

aCtivitY	4  Preparing to respond to thought-based                                                           thought-BaSed	QueStionS

            This very simple exercise will help you to prepare and respond to most of the
            example interview questions that we’ll present in this chapter. Where it does
            not fit directly, there will usually be a way of doing so – finding an angle that
            makes it relevant to the question being asked.

             GATHERING YOUR
             THOUGHTS ON THE

               n	 an example of where you came up with an idea
               n	 an example of where you had to solve a problem
               n	 an example of where you had to set longer-term direction
               n	 an example of where you had to plan something.
               On a sheet of paper just jot down a very broad outline of each issue
               against the CaR model that we introduced in Chapter 1.

            If you really struggle to think of examples in one of the four broad areas above,
            it is likely that it is a potential weakness for you. Equally, it may simply be that
            you underestimate what you have done to demonstrate competency in that
            area. One way to address the latter is to speak to a colleague or friend. They
            may be aware of instances where you have demonstrated this and be able to
            remind you.

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