Page 99 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 99

thought-BaSed	QueStionS		examPLe	inteRview	anSweRS                  The response could have been better still, there could have been a little
                                                                    more detail on how the decision was actually made, ie how the data was
                                                                    used and what the pros and cons of the options were. For example, the
                                                                    downside of running the shift with just one person less was that not only
                                                                    that it did not comply with the established guidelines, it meant that if there
                                                                    were an emergency this could not be adequately dealt with. The downside of
                                                                    simply swapping people around was that it created problems with childcare
                                                                    arrangements for one person, and so the issue would not have been solved.

                                                                interviewer:	give	me	an	example	of	a	time	where	you		
                                                                improved	something.	

                                                           7 Poor answer:

                                                               “As part of my role in the graduate recruitment team, I have responsibility for

                                                                    planning the campaign every year. This was a new responsibility that I had
                                                                    picked up, and I had heard many people complain that the campaigns were
                                                                    not very good. I therefore took it upon myself to improve them. So, I took the
                                                                    plans from last year and made some improvements, such as bringing the
                                                                    whole thing forward by two weeks, changing the booking system as well as the
                                                                    data capture. Overall, the whole thing worked better as a result.

                                                                    There is not much evidence of CAR here. We do know a little about the
                                                                    circumstance, and we have a very vague outline of the result in that overall
                                                                    the whole thing worked better. What this answer really lacks, though, is a
                                                                    clear explanation of the actions that were taken - we have no sense of the

                                                               interviewees thinking.”

                                                           3 Better answer:

                                                               “I was given then responsibility of managing our graduate recruitment

                                                                    campaign. Having heard from line managers in previous years that they
                                                                    did not think the process was as slick as it could be, I decided that as part
                                                                    of managing the process, I would try to introduce some improvements.
                                                                    Specifically, the two key complaints were that the booking system for assessors
                                                                    was “very messy” and that it took us too long to get back to applicants with a
                                                                    decision – this meant that some good candidates were lost as they took offers
                                                                    elsewhere. I therefore focused on improving these two aspects. With regards

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