Page 101 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 101

thought-BaSed	QueStionS		examPLe	inteRview	anSweRS              interviewer:	tell	me	about	a	time	where	you	encountered	
                                                                a	significant	problem	with	a	system,	process	or	procedure.	
                                                                how	did	you	solve	it?

                                                           7 Poor answer:

                                                               “I had felt for a while that our internal resourcing was not very effective. Being a

                                                                    consulting business, how we resourced obviously had implications on the quality
                                                                    of our work and bottom line performance. I therefore suggested that it would be
                                                                    better if one person took on overall responsibility for the resourcing of work. This
                                                                    would mean that one person had the overall, big picture view of how resource

                                                               was being used.”

                                                                    Why is this a poor response? For a start, it is very brief and gives no depth
                                                                    around any aspects of CAR. It has the foundations of a good response, though,
                                                                    as it is clearly about an improvement. Let’s look at a better response.

                                                                    This time we’ll give you two possible responses, based on different work

                                                           3 Better answer:

                                                               “I used to work in a resourcing role in a small business where I was responsible

                                                                    for ensuring that our consultants were used in an equitable way. In reality what
                                                                    happened was that when a piece of work came in, project managers would
                                                                    speak to staff directly and allocate work to them. This came to my attention, as
                                                                    consultants would speak to me and complain that they felt work was not being
                                                                    allocated in an equitable way. Our staff survey had also shown a degree of
                                                                    favouritism occurring. So the current system was not working effectively. I made
                                                                    suggestions that all resourcing would need to go through a central person who
                                                                    would take account of availability, skills, performance and so on and discuss
                                                                    with project managers what the resourcing options would be. Rather than me
                                                                    dictating resourcing, it became a joint problem-solving exercise and ensured
                                                                    that project managers were still involved in the process. Feedback so far is that

                                                               people feel resourcing is now more equitable.”

                                                                    The above example demonstrates that a response need not be lengthy – it can
                                                                    be short and punchy. It is also a well structured response around CaR.

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