Page 105 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 105

thought-BaSed	QueStionS		examPLe	inteRview	anSweRS         Middle management level

                                                                    For a middle management role, the interviewer will be seeking more
                                                                    complexity in the issues that you talk about. Either your examples will need
                                                                    to have a higher level of focus or the issues will need to be more complex
                                                                    and more interrelated, requiring more careful consideration and balancing of

                                                                interviewer:	tell	me	about	a	time	where	you	had	to	
                                                                anticipate	potential	problems	and	how	you	went	about	
                                                                developing	contingencies.

                                                           7 Poor answer:

                                                               “Well, that’s part of a manager’s job really. It’s important that I keep on top

                                                                    of what is going on in our market place. I do this by regularly speaking to my
                                                                    contacts and reading the trade press. I have also instigated regular weekly
                                                                    meetings with the team, where we all report back what is happening in the
                                                                    market and this allows us to take corrective action at an early stage. For
                                                                    example, I recently completely restructured my sales team as our competitors
                                                                    were beginning to catch up with us and I needed to take corrective action
                                                                    quickly. The restructure made us more nimble and better placed to beat the


                                                                    Why is this a poor answer?

                                                                    The answer starts at a general level. When eventually an example is cited, it is
                                                                    not very detailed or specific. Remember, this is for a middle management role,
                                                                    so an interviewer would be expecting more depth to the response. Had the
                                                                    interviewee followed the CAR principles more closely, we would have a more in
                                                                    depth and detailed response.

                                                           3 Better answer:

                                                               “Yes, as manager of a sales team of ten people, I was becoming increasingly

                                                                    aware of a competitor that was beginning to encroach on our territory. To
                                                                    date, we had not lost sales – our clients were buying both products – but we

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