Page 102 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 102

aCtivitY	5  n	 Circumstances: The respondent worked in a resourcing role in a small           thought-BaSed	QueStionS		examPLe	inteRview	anSweRS
                business. Feedback about resourcing had not been positive.

            n	 actions: Suggestions were made to resource centrally based on skills,
                performance and project need.

            n	 Results: There was positive feedback and staff survey results were better.

            Clearly, there is more information to be gleaned here by an interviewer and
            there would be follow-up questions to probe about the detail and build
            confidence, but in essence, the example represents a solid response.


               Think about the situations where you have introduced a change or made
               an improvement. Write down how what you suggested was different from
               what you did before. Note down what you based your idea/suggestion on
               and how you adapted it from what you knew or did previously. This will
               help you to distil what was different and how you used creative thinking
               in the workplace. You’ll surprise yourself!

            Let’s look at another two responses to the same question. First a poor one, and
            then a better one.

            7 Poor answer:

            “My fist training role was as a graduate in a bank. Part of my role required

            me to report on key financial indicators for the different business units. There
            was a very tight deadline for this which we never met as we were reliant
            on information coming in to us from the departments so that we could pull
            together the report. To get over this, we decided to send out reminder e-mails
            to all departments to remind them that we needed their input if we were to
            hit our deadlines. We also offered to support them in pulling the information
            together so long as they requested our support. Some departments did request
            support and one of us would see them, spend an hour talking to them to
            get the important information that we needed to enable us to put the report


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