Page 100 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 100

to the booking system, I worked with IT to introduce an online booking system.                  thought-BaSed	QueStionS		examPLe	inteRview	anSweRS
This was interactive, and when line managers logged in to book, it would tell
them on which days we still needed assessors, thus making it impossible
for some days to be oversubscribed and others to be undersubscribed.
From the booking system they could also link directly to the online assessor
training materials. With regards to us being late in getting back to applicants, I
introduced an online tracking system of candidate performance, in conjunction
with one of our suppliers. This enabled us to quickly gather information
on candidate performance from across the different locations where we
ran assessments and have an overall picture within 30 minutes of the last
assessment day finishing. We could therefore make decisions much more

quickly. Feedback from the different departments was very positive.”

This answer follows the CAR principles far better than the previous response.

n	 Circumstances: There was negative feedback about two specific points.
n	 actions: The interviewee addressed the two specific points of negative

    feedback and described the improvements made.
n	 Result: There was positive feedback from the different stakeholder


There is scope to improve the response further still. On the actions front,
there could be more detail about the options that were considered and how
the interviewee finally decided between the options. On the results front,
there could be more specific detail about the benefits as seen by the various

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