Page 96 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 96

ExamplE IntERvIEw                                                                               thought-BaSed	QueStionS		examPLe	inteRview	anSweRS

The remainder of this chapter is given over to example interview questions and
answers to give you a feel for how to interpret and respond to the question. It’s
split into three broad sections to differentiate between different levels of role:
n	 Graduate/trainee management
n	 Middle management
n	 Senior management
Moving up these three levels, responses to questions need to increase in their
complexity and level of focus. An easy-to-use general rule is that for a trainee
management role the focus is likely to be at the individual level (although
not exclusively); at the middle management level, the focus is at team or
departmental level; and at senior management level the focus will increasingly
be heading towards business unit or even organisational level. Remember,
these are generalities and there will always be exceptions, as you will see in
some of the examples we provide. When deciding on which level of question
to look at, think about the remit of the role rather than exclusively about the
level. You may find, for instance, that some of the middle-management level
questions will be equally applicable to a more junior role.

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