Page 92 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 92

Thought               Task                                                                         thought  thought-BaSed	QueStionS


Thought-based questions

TaskThere are not many roles that don’t require an element of thought leadership.

TEvheonuthgehmt ost basic administrative role will require the ability to explore and
analyse a problem,  indoetnetixfiystp,ottheenntiaclresaotluivteiornesspaonndstehseannidmnpelewmiednetasthaeTrmeh.ought          Task
Where solutions do

required. Some of the best administrators that we have worked with are those

who   ahawvaeyPboeefoeinmplpaeblelme teondtinisgcuitsbsywgitehnuersawtinhgatnweewwidaenatse.d  to  achieve  and  then

For more senior or complex roles, the dimension of thought leadership is about

more complex problem solving, involving many variables, longer-term thinking

   and scenario building, right up to visioning and strategy.

   It’s an important aspect of most jobs, then, and in this chapter we’ll explorepeople

how to recognise a ‘thought leadership’ question, and we’ll give you some

example questions and answers for different levels of role.

              Give one specific example.


Interviewer           Who?  How?
is gathering        When?   Why?
details             Where?  Your role?

Interviewer      What did you do?               Action
is gathering            How?
evidence                Why?

              What did you do next?

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