Page 110 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 110

CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION                                                                    thought-BaSed	QueStionS		examPLe	inteRview	anSweRS

Interviewees often assume that a response relating to change or problem
solving needs to demonstrate innovation or creativity. Indeed, creativity
and imagination are two things that interviewees often find difficult and
intimidating to respond to. This doesn’t need to be the case; the sorts of
innovation and creativity that interviewees assume are needed are not
what the interviewer is necessarily looking for. Many interviewees place
themselves in the ‘uncreative box’. This actually limits their thinking and
makes responding to such interview questions difficult.
In the work place, creativity is also about using an existing process in a
new way or in a different setting – it does not need to be a totally original

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