Page 113 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 113

thought-BaSed	QueStionS		examPLe	inteRview	anSweRS                  HR director to implement some change. The consequences of not doing so
                                                                    could potentially have been a steady stream from our doors to our competitors.
                                                                    So, to cut a long story short, I did some research into what approaches to
                                                                    remuneration were commonplace in our industry, what the perceived upsides
                                                                    and downsides of the different systems were, and with this information worked
                                                                    with our head of HR and some remuneration specialists to devise a new
                                                                    scheme. Our most recent staff survey has shown better results in this area,

                                                               and our business has continued to grow, despite some difficult trading times.”

                                                                    The above example demonstrates succinctly the initiation of some change that
                                                                    had an impact at the organisational level.

                                                                    n	 Circumstances: review of staff survey indicated dissatisfaction with

                                                                    n	 action: the interviewee then describes, in broad terms, what he did, i.e.
                                                                        becoming involved and researching approaches to remuneration.

                                                                    n	 Result: implementation of a changed process, and staff survey results with
                                                                        more positive feedback from staff.

                                                                    More generally, the interviewee has demonstrated awareness of internal issues,
                                                                    looking outside the business and using that as a basis for driving change within
                                                                    the business. Overall, the initiative seems to have had a positive impact. More
                                                                    detail is clearly needed in this answer. For example, there is no detail about
                                                                    what changes were actually made and how they were introduced. Information
                                                                    on this would give the interviewer more confidence, as well as providing
                                                                    subsidiary evidence on task- and people-based issues.

                                                                interviewer:	tell	me	about	a	time	where	you	have	used	
                                                                recent	developments	in	your	area	to	inform	your	decision	

                                                           7 Poor answer:

                                                               “It’s always important to keep on top of new developments in the field. We

                                                                    actually have a department that deals with this and I often work in close
                                                                    collaboration with them to introduce new products and services. For example,
                                                                    I recently suggested to them that they look at improving our online discussion

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