Page 110 - 301 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview, Second Edition
P. 110


have a clue that the boss will not be a micromanager. If the boss’s
idea of a great employee is someone who communicates by memo,
your boss is probably not the “my-door’s-always-open” type. If the
ideal employee works long hours, don’t expect to leave on time every

What specific skills from the person you hire would make your life
This question focuses the conversation squarely on the proposition
that the employer has a problem. As the potential new hire, you
want the employer to tell you that you can make his or her life easier
because your skills are just the ticket.

Can you tell me about the other members of the team?
Does the boss talk about “my” team with a sense of pride and stew-
ardship? Does the boss really know the people who work for him or
her? Does he or she list their accomplishments with pride or say some-

 ? Memorably Good Question

   If I am hired for this position, what would be different five
   years from now after I have demonstrated that I am capable
   of exceeding your expectations?

   This question shows that you are committed to long-term
   success and gives you an idea of the “big picture” the
   company is hoping to achieve with your involvement.

                                                      Amy Cavalleri
                                                      Tehama County Development Officer
                                                      Mercy Foundation North
                                                      Red Bluff, CA

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