Page 106 - 301 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview, Second Edition
P. 106


Just because a company has goals doesn’t mean they’re reasonable
or attainable. Do you really want to be responsible for undertak-
ing goals that have little likelihood of success? The candidate is in
a vulnerable position. Challenging company goals in the interview
smacks of defeatism. Yet defeat is certain for you if you accept goals
that are unattainable or poorly defined.
Do you believe I have the skills/capabilities/experience to be the point
person to meet these goals?
This is a very strong question that does two things. First, it invites the
interviewer to reveal any hesitations he or she may have about your
ability to succeed at the company. Second, the question strongly sug-
gests you are confident, accountable (“point person”), and enthusi-
astic. You have subtly asked for the job. The answer to this question
tells you whether you need to sell yourself some more or be silent.

 ? Memorably Bad Question

   So what is it exactly that you guys do?
   If you don’t know and couldn’t be bothered to find out, it tells
   me you have no right to be in this culture where people are
   proud of what they do here.

                                                      Beau Harris
                                                      Handspring, Inc.
                                                      Mountain View, CA

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