Page 102 - 301 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview, Second Edition
P. 102


 ? Memorably Bad Question

   What is the policy on long-term disability?

   This is a self-limiting question at any point in the interview
   except when a written offer is in hand. The interviewer cannot
   inquire why you asked this question and so will assume a
   scenario contrary to the candidate’s interests.

                                                      Bryan Debenport
                                                      Corporate Recruiter
                                                      Alcon Laboratories
                                                      Fort Worth, TX

Can you talk about the company’s commitment to equal opportunity
and diversity?
Possible follow-up questions include: What’s the percentage of
women or minorities in the executive ranks? Does the company have
a diversity officer?

How will my leadership responsibilities and performance be measured?
And by whom? How often?
This kind of question is squarely in the HR professional’s comfort
zone. It’s good information for you to have, and it communicates
your desire to be held accountable.

What objectives would you like the person in this role to accomplish?
The HR professional may or may not have specific objectives in
mind, but he or she will always talk about success factors that are
general in the organization. It’s good to know what these general
measures of success are so you can speak to them specifically.

Who are the company’s stars, and how was their status determined?
This indicates you want to be a star as well.

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