Page 152 - 301 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview, Second Edition
P. 152
Note that this is a question that makes sense only with an interviewer
who has a passion for software testing.
Does the company use an IT steering committee?
The question demonstrates understanding of how some companies
develop IT funding and strategies.
Do you have a formal development change management process, or is
the process more informal?
Many developers hate formal, structured processes or standards;
others welcome the structure. Be clear about the environment you
are considering joining.
After months of working long hours, the morale of IT workers can
plummet. What rewards have you found effective in recognizing and
rewarding exceptional work?
This question can be made more perceptive if you actually have some
concrete suggestions for monetary as well as nonmonetary methods
for recognizing performance. Who knows, you may end up on the
receiving end of what you suggest.
? Memorably Bad Question
May I work on Christmas Day?
Bizarre. We appreciate the dedication, but we also want our
employees to have lives.
ACT-1 Recruiter
Phoenix, AZ