Page 16 - healing project(1)_Neat
P. 16
A Key Question Then Is...
Q What can drain your energy? Q How long they stay? they
Where are these leaks?
can stay quite a long time
or they can just come for a
The most common one and short time
that is conflict
Yeah, when you have conflict it is a These are what we call evil entities
potential for an energy drain. Not and once they drain your soul,
always just a potential because you once they drain your energy, you
can have conflict without letting can get weak, sick, very quickly.
your energy be drained,
So key number one; If you've ever had the experience
of talking to someone for a short
Drama time and all of a sudden you start
You know you lost your keys and feeling tired, that's typically
now you're going berserk finding because this person has said
them and thinking of all the entities on them and think of an
ramifications if you can't find them. octopus on their back draining
their energy and then that person
That excess drama could be a major comes to talk to you and as they're
energy leak, especially if you post it talking to you
on social media with updates every
15 minutes. The octopus just reaches one of
I'll just use the category of evil its long arms with its suckers and
drains your energy.
Darkness, parasites, just like
mosquitoes take your blood, well Now that's a metaphor of course.
there are invisible parasites,
invisible because they're in another This could happen with a phone
dimension, that can come and call, that could happen with an
drain your soul. online chat with somebody
I’ll list them, evil spirits, which are across the world because it's
spirits that were once human that happening in another dimension
have not ascended and evolved into where physical location doesn't
that higher dimension and they hang mean as much.
around and they can feed off a
person's energy, that's one; Two So evil entities are probably the
entities, Evil Entities, the best way to most common cause of losing
describe an entity is to think of an energy.
invisible octopus that comes and
sucks your energy and then leaves.