Page 18 - healing project(1)_Neat
P. 18
In My Own Experience
After being really down and depressed
and suicidal. I get an email from
Raymond the next day, and he said he
removed 36 curses and was a bit
shocked at that,
Now I understand that which is covens
often meeting group of sixes, so when
people have curses they're often in
of six.
I understood through some past life
regressions and working with some
very good psychics.
Then in a past life I was general, fighting
wars in Indonesia and I was cursed and
when I went to Indonesia in this
lifetime, it triggered those curses.
So, I know how real this is and I also
know that at the time I didn't believe in
any of this stuff, I was a born-again
Christian just thought curses were
Well I learned! and to a physicist or
scientist who doesn't believe in any of
this and doesn't have a sensitivity of
energy yet as an electronics engineer,
I understand this from that perspective
as well.