Page 35 - healing project(1)
P. 35


             What to Do and What NOT to Do:

             By Ed Strachar ©2014

             Another Remote Healer asked my Advice on how to become a Powerful Healer. I decided to
             make my answer available to all.

             The Answer... Is actually what most people don't want to hear?

             Typically, they want to learn Healing Techniques from a real "Brand Name" ancient holy
             land/tribe, receive a pre-printed Notebook, maybe a Demonstration Video and a weekend

             course for $200-$300, complete with donuts, coffee breaks and lots of hugs.

             Upon completion, they wildly celebrate their "profound" new healing skills that are certified
             with that stiffened piece paper reserved for special events they receive at the end embossed
             with their name printed in big fancy fonts that they can proudly show all who enter their

             domain. They have learned about angels, chakras, how to use the colors of the rainbow and
             the correct pronunciation and ancient sanskrit meaning of the word "namaste'" !

             They cry tears of joy at their tremendous achievement and make sure all their friends,

             neighbors and social network contacts know of their new found healing prowess. A few of
             those papers makes them a "Master" healer that brings "awe" from their peers, as they now
             are an "expert" who can write books and give speeches and many of them do.

             Until of course, they take on a tough case that brings them to their knees and in secret, they
             come running to me and beg for help and double beg me to keep it quiet.

             SO Now the Real Way to Build Healing Power: First and foremost, you have to be willing to
             Risk Your Life. Period. You have to be willing to take on Satan, the Devil, Dark Angels and
             their weapons which with any moderately serious case, you will in no short order. Nothing

             less will suffice.
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