Page 37 - healing project(1)
P. 37
These blind souls are also easily spotted absorbing TV/Mass Media and thinking they are
getting the news, and feel intelligent and informed and following special "holy books" and
teachings and going to buildings on weekends that have fancy windows thinking they are
becoming "holy" themselves.
One like me, quickly sees many diseased peopled going to these places and not getting
healed and the heads of them, also having their own significant troubles. Couple that with
their own inability to heal their constituents and I quickly see just how "holy" they are and
how much actual truth is in their teachings.
Even worse, the blind folks buy those books written by these "best selling" authors who are
so "spiritual" .. the ones that actually have had a "spiritual encounter" once or twice!? They
are often on TV/Radio and talk of love and peace with a soft voice yet they couldn't heal a
slightly sick bird from 5 feet away. They can, however, express articulate prose about how to
do it for hours.
They have a lot of nice "feel good" content that you can learn and this gives you plenty of
topics and sound bites to use at cocktail parties, yoga studios, the new age book stores and
even at the higher end crystal shops. They talk about healing with "white light" and love and
embracing evil, not opposing it.
I personally really like these types as they make great customers and come to me often as
those techniques don't work so well.
Real truth has real power and people with real power have real truth. Use that standard to
judge healers and the "best selling" Authors, Speakers, Pastors and Priests and you will see
just how much truth they have and almost always it's immeasurably small.
Learn the Universal Truths about your own make up and structure including DNA, Galactic
Energy Fields, the Angelic Orders and Energy Frequencies and Vibrations, the True Laws of
the Universe as well as How to attain Spiritual Authority so you can "command" the spirit of
disease to leave and restore the Spirit of Health to return. Then and only then will you
significantly increase your power to heal.