Page 42 - healing project(1)
P. 42

Kathryn Taxman:  Feeling lighter, 4-9+

             Angela Warren: I had a really bad headache from my back aching ..Totally gone.. Felt lots of
             movement in my brain and when you said about  connecting to the universe was just so
             amazing heat pulsing through me feeling so lovely lots of letting go

             Marika Ohryn: My body feels very fluid. I felt currents go through my body - feel very light

             and clear.

             David Smith: I had the same experience I had when you healed my knee, hips and shoulders
             went from 3 or 4 to 8 or 9, felt the same as when you healed my knee in person, felt the
             warmth wash through me as I shared gratitude

             Grace Relucio: Clarity and strength from 6 to 10 .. Thank you Ed and Eddy

             Isaac Flores: Oh and massive warmth coming through heart

             David Smith: And thank you Eddie I really felt you share your youthful energy

               V.          SHM+ 2020 August – Water Purification Feedback

             Karyn Goldingham:  I feel super energized.   Thank you Ed, Eddy, Carmen and Rachelle.

             I felt soft energies with Eddy, Rachelle my brain being enhanced more, Carmen my teeth feel
             loved and healed . Thank you too Ed xx

             Harry Tolley: Feel and look younger...whole body tingling... quiet and at peace...

             Paola Assenza: I feel relaxed and inner calmness. face look more relaxed. My bite shifted for
             the better

             Jason Zozosky: I’m feeling light and refreshed

             Priyamvatha Chandrasekaran: Feeling energized, brighter and clearer. Look 5-6 years

             Isaac Flores: Felt energy/power transforming and generating in my core. 7 to a 9+

             Dallas Carter: I'm glowing clam gigging feeling so still

             Paola Assenza: I did .. yes clear light and moving … Eddy I felt in frontal lobes with lots of
             energy as well

             David Smith: Energy went from a 4 to 9, joints from 5 or 6 to 9, skin looks clearer, chest feels
             better, mind control part I felt like something moved in my head and cleared
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