Page 15 - The Metro Record April 2021
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Goldman Sachs Commits Additional Crystal Senter Brown's
$500 Million to Launch With GS for “The Rhythm in Blue”
Total of $1 Billion
direction, but his view of their
NEW YORK, March 21, 2021 — The wasbornoutofthedatadrivenbelief A critical part of Launch With GS is seeming perfection soon unravels
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (NYSE: that diverse leadership teams also the global ecosystem that has when the skeletons come tumbling
GS) today announced that it has perform better. Since the been created by bringing together outoftheirclosets.
committed an additional $500 announcement, the firm has investors, entrepreneurs, non-profit Rhythm in Blue is written by the
million to investing in diverse deployed more than $450 million organizations and other leaders to brilliantauthor/writerCrystalSenter
businesses and funds through its across companies and managers nurture and grow early stage Brown.
Launch With GS initiative, doubling withdiversemanagementteams. businesses. The ecosystem was
itsoriginalcommitmentforatotalof createdwiththebeliefthatfosteringa Crystal Senter-Brown is an award-
$1billion. “Ourinvestmentthesisthatinvesting community will, over time, help winning writer who has been
in diverse teams generates positive increase the pipeline of investment featuredinRedbookMagazine,Vibe
“Through our work with Launch investment outcomes is embedded opportunitiesindiversebusinesses. MagazineandEssenceMagazine.
With GS, we saw that the pipeline of across our businesses and will
opportunities to back diverse-led continue to be a cornerstone of our In February 2020, Goldman Sachs She has been a performance poet
companies and funds was both approach,” said Suzanne Gauron, welcomed 14 high growth and writer for most of her life. Born
broad and deep, exceeding our Managing Director at Goldman entrepreneurs into its first Launch in Morristown, TN to a bass-playing
expectations,” said David Solomon, Sachs and head of Launch With GS. With GS Black and Latinx Baptist preacher (Dad) and a visual
Chairman and CEO of Goldman “The strong pipeline of Entrepreneur Cohort, which is now artist (Mom), Crystal performed her
Sachs. “Our initial investments, and entrepreneurs and managers we’ve accepting applications for 2021. The TheRhythminBluerevolvesaround firstpoemonstageattheageofsix.
our continuing engagement with met with so far has us even more six-week customized virtual the painful secrets that four
entrepreneurs in our ecosystem, excited about investing the next experience provides high-touch characters hold close. Mason, a She is the author of seven books: AJ
have compelled us to double our $500millionin2021andbeyond.” accessandresourcestoaselectgroup successful D.C. attorney with a and the Magic Kite, Gabby Gives
commitment, less than three years of U.S.-based Black and Latinx wedding date looming and cold feet Back, But Now I See, But You Have
in. Aswe’vesaidfromthebeginning, As part of the first $500 million, founders to fast-track their in the offing, makes a hurried trip Such a Pretty Face, Doubledutch,
investing behind diversity is good Launch With GS has committed to companies’ growth and build back to his hometown and GabbySaturdayandTheRhythmin
business.” both companies and funds. Select relationships with investors and inadvertentlytriggersatragedy. Blue, which was turned into an
companies include: BentoBox, Billie, industryexperts. award-winning feature film. She is
In June 2018, Goldman Sachs Burst Oral Care, and LeaseQuery. Mason’s childhood best friend an adjunct professor at Bay Path
announcedLaunchWithGS,initially Select funds include: Construct To join the Launch With GS global Jasmine,hismalebuddyJacob,now UniversityandlivesinNewEngland
a $500 million commitment to Capital, Define Ventures, and MaC ecosystem and get connected go to the town’s squeaky-clean Baptist withherhusbandCorey,sonAdonte
invest in diverse-led companies and VentureCapital. minister, and Jacob’s upright wife and a maniac puppy named Venus.
fund managers. Launch With GS Keishawelcomehimwithopenarms Visit Crystal online at
and puzzlement. His friends
question Mason’s choices and life