Page 12 - The Metro Record April 2021
P. 12
THE QUILT We Are Our Stories. Tell Them As They Are Told!
Uchechi. Spirits in the Wind
The story of two brothers and their lives before slave traders tore them apart. One remained in Nigeria, the other forced into slavery in America. Follow their journey Monthly [Part 3]
Ichie Ikagwu took control of the way they beat me I have never
meeting, been beaten before, I had to
stop struggling so they wouldn't
"my son, I'm glad to see you," he beat me to death. The next place
said, "we all thought something I saw myself was with two other
bad had happened to you, we boys they had caught, I was tied
searched everywhere we could up just like them and we were
for you but to no avail. As you marched to another village and
see me now I've not slept well, kept in a dark hurt. I was
we the men have been searching desolate, one of the boys cried
everywhere. Our elders say, he all through the night but me I
that his house is burning does refused to, mba, me Azuka, the
not chase rats, okwaya? Isn't son of Ichie Kalu would not cry
that so?" like a woman,"
The men replied in affirmation.
"We are indeed gladdened by "i mere ofuma!, you did well!,"
your return, we know you are Ichie ikagwu said, quick to
not in the best shape but we commend Azuka's bravery and
want you to tell us what unwillingness to succumb to
happened," Ichie Udoji tears.
"The next day we were woken
Azuka cleared his throat and up with cold water, somebody
winced again, once again the just came in and poured cold
men chorrused their "ndo" and water on us. Then we were
Papa and his friend were building up in my body was "Ichie Kalu, I am deeply one asked that water be brought rushed outside and handed over
confused, this person had just finally getting released, the relieved and I am happy your for Azuka. to one man and his boys, it
come late at night to say Azuka short sprint to catch up with boy came back. I was just at seemed we were being sold to
had come back, but how did he Papa was exhilarating. We got Ichie Ike's house when that boy "Nnayi ekele'm unu, our fathers him and were about to be
come back just like that? How to Papa, his friend and the came to tell him that Azuka had I greet you," Azuka said, the moved to somewhere else, this
did he come back this late at messenger and we slowed down come back". men answered back, most of is where my chi came to my
night? to walking pace. The boy told them placing one arm on their rescue. The big man who we
papa that he needed to go call "the boy didn't come here with knees, all of them focused on were being sold to came to look
"Uche!“ Papa called out my another chief and with that he you then?" Ichie Ndubuisi Azuka's face. at our bodies, he asked us
name, I was by his side but his left us, Ichie Udoji telling him to asked looking puzzled. questions and when he got to
voice still bellowed like he be careful. "two days ago I was in the forest me he asked which village I was
called from far away. I could tell "mba, she said she wants to call as is usual for me, I had just from, then he asked who my
he was full of energy. Papa talked with his friend somebody else," Papa finished from a palm tree and father was, I answered him and
while Lotanna and I walked answered. decided to take a small rest at he immediately told the men
"Yes papa!" I answered aloud. I gallantly behind. We tried to the foot of the tree, everywhere that caught me to release me.
was excited and relieved at the hold our pace and were quiet, I "But we only asked her to call was calm and I really didn't Long story short they
same time. I'd been harbouring knew Lotanna had the same both of you!" Ichie Kalu said suspect anything, my mind was blindfolded and dropped me in
the bad feeling that something thoughts in his mind as I had, I and the men bursted into a simply on taking a short rest the forest where they first
really bad had happened to wished we could move in front raucous laugh, the boys joined because the sun was really high picked me up, that is how I
Azuka and the silence around it of Papa so we could talk about in the laughter too. The laughter and hot. So, there I was laying found my way back. Nnayi, that
had not helped at all so hearing it. I had figured out that if Azuka ran its course and ended, the with my back to a tree and is what happened".
that he was still alive made my came back in perfect shape the men were all too aware that the enjoying the shade when all of a
blood hot and whatever bit of girl who brought the message situation wasn't one for sudden I heard footsteps. I The men began to talk amongst
sleep that had been slowly would have looked happier than laughter. thought they were other themselves, they sympathized
creeping up on me had fled. The she did, there was relief in her villagers and at first I thought with Azuka and told him to go
boy who ran to come tell my eyes but there was still distress "Ichie Kalu" I'd just stay there and let them back inside. Lotanna looked at
father the news had caught his hiding somewhere. I couldn't pass, but the steps came closer me, what we thought had
breath and Papa's friend was wait to hear the details of what "ehn?" to me and before I could take happened was true. After a few
asking him some questions. had happened from the horse's my rafia hat off my face these minutes of discussions the men
mouth. After a few turns we got "Where is Azuka? Tell him to big men jumped on me. I decided to meet again
"Tell your mother that I am to Azuka's father's house, we come outside" Ichie Udoji said struggled and tried to scream tomorrow, they left one by one
coming," Papa said to us, could see a big orange light and calmly but firmly. There was but they held my mouth shut. I with their sons with them. Papa
"Lotanna you come with us," smoke made by some lanterns quiet, the move from laughter to struggled as much as I could.. " stayed back a while to talk to
Papa commanded and Lotanna arranged together, we could see eeriness was sudden but Ichie Kalu about something,
followed like a willing soldier men seated on small stools expected, Ichie Udoji had One of the girls brought water in when they were done he
around it. It seemed like the boy spoken everybody's mind. It a cup for Azuka, he took it from thanked Papa and We started
"Kayi ga funu ihe neme, let's go who had come to call at our was late and nobody wanted to her and thanked her before he on our way home. Outside the
and see what is happening". house came to us lastly because hang around laughing about a drank everything in one long compound Papa tapped my
Papa said to his friend who the other men in the village messenger boy. I watched the gulp. The men chorrused their shoulder and said "naa ga
immediately started walking, were already seated, their sons light from the lamps flicker, "ndo" again. n'irum, walk in front of me"
the messenger took the cue and stood behind them like they casted different shadows
started walking too. I watched bodyguards. As we drew closer on the floor and on the ground. Azuka wiped his mouth with the --------
Papa's friend, his limp caught to the gathering I could see that Beside one shadow Ichie Kalu back of his hand and then
my eye again and I would have the men weren't a lot and were was telling one of the servant continued. Igbo words not translated in
laughed at his gait as he tried to really just a few important men girls to ask Azuka to "come see prose
half run with the limp, but I was in the village. Ichie ikagwu was his elders". I shifted my foot, the "I struggled as much as I could,
hyped and wished I could go seated on the right, the most flies were beginning to find my fear gripped me because I Nno: Welcome.
with Papa and Lotanna, instead famous hunter in our village feet. Lotanna held my hand and suspected who these men were, Mba: No.
I had to stay with mama and and also the strongest wrestler, I looked up at him, he wasn't but they overpowered me. The
mama nnuku. I turned to go there were rumors that Lions looking at me as he held me, he
inside, my eagerness turning to ran away from him in the bush!. stared ahead watching the
slight disappointment and He was talking to Ichie Kalu, the thatch curtain get pulled up and
when I heard Lotanna call out palm wine tapper who was a young man walked out. I
my name, I turned to see him Azuka's father. gasped, the other men gasped
waving at me to come along. My too, Lotanna held my hand
legs flew and in seconds I had "You are here already, nno" tighter, Azuka looked like
run across the stretch of our Ichie Kalu said to my father, he somebody had broken him, he
compound and up to Lotanna. asked his servant girl to bring walked like a shattered clay pot
stools for Papa and Ichie Udoji, and with every step he took he
"Papa si ki bia soro anyi, Papa the later meanwhile readjusted winced in pain. His mother
said that you should come the big knot he made with his tried to help him but he insisted
follow us," Lotanna said as we wrapper, turning it over and on walking himself. "Ndo,
both ran up to Papa and Ichie over until he was sure it was Sorry" rang out from the men as
Udoji who were further up on tight, then he took his seat. Azuka took a seat beside his
the dark road. The adrenaline father. When he was seated