Page 9 - The Metro Record April 2021
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THE METRO RECORD - APRIL 2021                                                                                                                9

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       Springfield, MA – March 9, 2021  lending  and  networking  both the Black-owned business
       -  The  Association  of  Black  relationships that are essential to  grant and Black and Latino/a/x
       Business  and  Professionals  their success. We understand  internship stipend is available at
       announced today that it has  that people may not have the Please note,
       received a $100,000 grant from  time or expertise to fill out long  that funding is strictly limited to
       the    Commonwealth      of  and  confusing  applications,  applicants who attend school or
       Massachusetts Urban Agenda  especially when their attention  whose  primary  business/
       grant as part of an initiative to  should solely be focused on  nonprofit address is registered
       address disparities in pandemic  staying afloat. We are working to  within the McKnight, Upper Hill,
       recovery  assistance  in  the  lower the barriers of access by  Pine Point, Bay, or Boston Road
       communities which have been  focusing  more  on  building  neighborhoods of Springfield.
       hit hardest by the COVID-19  relationships and hearing the
       pandemic.                   stories of persistence that people  “Our  business  owners  and
                                   share with us,” said Kareem  students have been among the
       "There is no question that Black  Kibodya, Chairman of the Grant  hardest hit by the pandemic,
       businesses   have     been  Subcommittee of ABBP.        while     also     receiving
       disproportionately impacted by                           disproportionately less in terms
       the COVID-19 pandemic. This  Eligibility: While many have  of federal and state financial
       much needed relief is very timely  been negatively affected by the  assistance,  such  as  Payroll
       and  desperately  needed.  I  pandemic, to ensure that these  Protection  Program  Loans
       couldn't be more excited to get  limited funds get to the most  (PPP), when compared to White
       these  funds  out  to   the  severely impacted businesses,  business owners, and people
       community,"   said   David  preference will be given to the  living  in  more  affluent
       Maynard,  Chairman  of  the  following:                  communities.
       Executive Board of ABBP.    Black-owned small businesses,
                                   especially  those  who  have  This is an opportunity to provide
       ABBP   was  chosen  for  its  experienced      significant  equitable assistance to people
       dedication  to  helping  Black  reduction in operating revenue  whose needs have been neglected
       business    owners     and  due to the coronavirus pandemic  for too long,” said Kareem.
       professionals  in  the  Greater  and/or  have  not  received
       Springfield area across a variety  significant financial assistance  About ABBP The Association of
       of industries. Through financial  through  other  pandemic  Black Business and Professionals
       literacy  workshops,  such  as  assistance programs.     (ABBP)    is   a   nonprofit
       marketing  and  real  estate  Currently enrolled Black and  organization serving the Greater
       investment, as well as advocacy  Latino/a/x high school/college  Springfield community since it
       for local Black business and  students and recent graduates  was founded in 2015. We aim to
       community interests, ABBP is  ages 16-26.                promote  and   sustain  black
       committed to providing access to  Non-profit 501c3 organizations  businesses,  professionals,
       the  knowledge,  tools,  and  whose primary mission is serving  programs and initiatives in the
       networking to succeed       the Black community.         areas and markets that we serve
       .                           Applications will be accepted in  through networking, advocacy,
       “The COVID-19 pandemic has  two rounds due April 9, 2021 and  and educational workshops. To
       highlighted the severe inequities  May 31, 2021.         learn more about ABBP, please
       that burden Black Communities,                           visit
       many tend to lack the traditional  The full program overview for
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