Page 7 - The Metro Record April 2021
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THE METRO RECORD - APRIL 2021                                                                                                                7

       In Spite of the Challenges We Achieve!                                                                             FUNDING NEWS

       New Haven                                                Paycheck Protection Program

       Foundation Donates

       $400K To State’s                                         (PPP) Changes for Sole

       Black Communities                                        Proprietors / Schedule C Filers

       NEW HAVEN, CT – Amidst a     other  funders.  Significant  By Jeff Sullivan,          $20,833 PPP loan depending on  gross income is greater than
       pandemic that has exacerbated  flexible resources can enable  President, New Valley Bank  their gross revenues.    $150,000,  there  may   be
       racial disparities and widened  TPF to focus attention on its own                                                  additional certifications needed,
       inequities, a $400,000 multi-  growth   and     growing  On March 4 the Small Business  Below are a few details around  and the SBA reserves the right to
       year grant has been awarded by  philanthropic  resources  that  Administration  announced  a  the rule change that may help to  ask for more documentation in
       The Community Foundation for  advance economic and social  significant change to the formula  clarify a few important points:  the future to prove that the loan
       Greater  New   Haven  (The   mobility in Greater New Haven's  used  to  calculate  Paycheck                        was absolutely necessary to
       Community   Foundation)  to  Black communities and beyond."  Protection Program (PPP) loans  �  The  primary  rule  support ongoing operations.
       strengthen the capacity of The                           for sole proprietors and others  change allows Schedule C filers  �  Borrowers  will  also
       Prosperity Foundation (TPF) as  In addition to the grant, The  who file their business taxes on  to base their PPP calculation on  have to provide evidence that
       a local Black-led and Black-  Community  Foundation  for  Schedule C of their individual tax  “gross income” (line 7) instead of  they were in business and
       serving organization.        Greater  New   Haven   will  return.                     “net profit” (line 31).      operating on February 15, 2020.
                                    continue to provide back office                          �      The same calculation  New Valley continues to actively
       "This   grant   from   The   and investment management   The changes allow for the PPP  methodology that has been used  accept applications and advise
       Community   Foundation  for  services to TPF, as it has done  loan to be calculated based on  all along for PPP loans – divide  both existing and new clients
       Greater New Haven comes at a  since TPF established itself as an  gross income, not on net profit of  the “gross revenue” by 12 and  with the PPP process. If you or
       critical time in our growth and  independent entity in 2015.  the proprietorship as has been  multiply that number by 2.5 to  anyone you know believes you
       puts TPF in a stronger position                          the rule previously.  In other  arrive at the PPP loan amount.  have potentially been impacted
       to  grow  our  organizational  Among its many activities, TPF  words, the SBA is recognizing  �  If a Schedule C filer  by this rule change, our team is
       capacity and become a more   has engaged African Americans  that sole proprietors and other  paid wages (line 26), employee  ready to assist you. Applicants
       potent philanthropic force by,  throughout Connecticut through  Schedule C filers were being  benefits (line 14), or pension/  can  apply   at
       for and of the Black community  educational events in various  penalized  as  compared  to  profit share expenses (line 19), New
       in Connecticut," says Howard K.  parts of the State, including  entities that file a stand alone tax  these  expenses  must  be  Valley staff members can also
       Hill, Founder and President of  Hartford, Stamford and New  return, and they are intending to  deducted  from  the  “gross  assist in answering questions by
       The Prosperity Foundation.   Haven. It has also produced a  eliminate that penalty.   income” found on line 7 prior to  calling 413-739-2265 or emailing
                                    seminar series providing donors                          completing the rest of the
       "A strong, growing statewide  and prospective donors with  At  New  Valley  Bank,  we  calculation above.
       Black community foundation   greater awareness about how  witnessed many applicants who  �   Borrowers     cannot  New Valley Bank is a full service
       has greater potential to expand  philanthropy can contribute to  had negative or zero net income  amend a First Draw or Second  bank based in Springfield, MA
       opportunity and advance racial  addressing critical needs in  on their Schedule C from 2019,  Draw  PPP  loan  that  were  specializing in meeting the needs
       equity, both priorities of The  Black  communities.  And  it  and were therefore ineligible for  previously received under the  of small business owners and
       Community       Foundation's  manages  a  Small   Grants  a PPP loan.  These business  old rules. However, borrowers  their employees.  New Valley
       strategic plan framework," says  Initiative funding Black-led and  owners can now reexamine their  can use the new rules for loans  operates from two locations at
       William W. Ginsberg, President  serving  community  based  2019 or 2020 Schedule C and  going forward.             One Monarch Place and at 1930
       and CEO of The Community     organizations. In response to the  could be eligible for up to  �  Please note that if your  Wilbraham Rd. in Springfield.
       Foundation for Greater New   impact  of  the   COVID-19
       Haven. "We are proud to have  pandemic in 2020, TPF help to
       supported TPF since its origin  feed over 60,000 families with
       and are encouraged to see new  fresh produce, dairy, and meat.
       partnerships between TPF and
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