Page 2 - The Metro Record April 2021
P. 2

Springfield Mayor No Longer Welcome.

       Black Residents Have Had Enough of

       Domenic Sarno!                      Continued from Page 1

       Theymuststayandlistentothehard  community, should march on the  In regards to the Mayor no longer
       conversations that need to be had,  district court and the homes of our  being welcomed in the Black
       especially as it pertains to the  justices who serve us on the bench  community, Keaton says that bridge
       violence. They have to stop walking  along with another march on the  has been burned a long time ago, it
       away when the conversations get  office of District Attorney Anthony  seems the Mayor only works with
       tough.”                     Gulliuni. My constituents are tired,  prominent people of color – other
                                   they’re frustrated, and they are  than that he has absolutely no
       Juanita Bachelor was made aware of  rightfully angry. There has to be  presence in the Black community.
       theMcknightNeighborhoodCouncil  someaccountabilityMr.Mayor!”  Keaton thinks the Mayor needs to  Scott R. Walker RN BSN
       due to a Facebook message that was                       resign and step down.  If the
       circulating. She says that she was  Stokes who recently visited the  community feels he should not be
       “shocked, appalled, and frustrated”  homes of three families whose loved  welcomed then he should step down
       andgoesontosay“…theyarehaving  ones have been murdered was  – thus, he should not be invited into
       something in this neighborhood  angered  to  hear  the  mayor  the melanated community. If the
       about gun violence after me and  addressing everything except root  Mayor was fully representing all of
       othermothershavebeenpleadingfor  cause issues and feels the Mayor  Springfield why would he not accept  T: 413.739.5626 x282
       ameetingandpressconferencefrom  blatantly disrespects the families of  invitations from all the other
                                                                                               C: 413.693.8762
       the mayor and the commissioner for  the  victims  and  the  Black  organizationsthatinvitehimtospeak
       months.”                    community. Hestates,“theycameto  on these issues. “For Domenic to sit  F: 413.732.5457
                                   talkabout‘hearing’gunshots,andnot  silently when the commissioner says  The Cottage
       Bachelor says she attended because  the loss of life, nobody talked about  shedoesn’tseeracismthereforethere  38 Sherman Street
       she really wanted to see what they  thefamiliesandnevermentionedthe  isnoracisminthepolicedepartment,  Springfield, MA 01109
       both had to say while curious about  victims.”           especially  while  reviewing  the
       how they could be doing a press                          responsestotheDOJreport–thatis
       conference on gun violence without  Stokes said what also angered him  aslapinthefacetoallresidentsinthis
       thepeoplenegativelyimpacted?  waswhenthemayorsaidthatinstead  great city. We cannot continue to be
                                   ofmarchingontheMayor’soffice,we  disrespected and when we respond
       Bachelor says, “I was upset about  should be marching on the district  thepoliticiansandmediapresentthe
       what the mayor had to say, blaming  court – and then he looked into the  scenario  as  the  melanated
       the parents, blaming judges not  eyes of Juanita Bachelor, the mother  community again being aggressive  OLIVE TREE BOOKS-N-VOICES
       being apologetic to the families who  of Darrell Jenkins, a victim of gun  anddisrespectful.”  Visit us: 97HancockStreet, Springfield, MA  01109
       have loved ones whose murders are  violence–andsaid“theparentsneed                               (413) 737-6400
       still unsolved.  Meanwhile the  to  get  involved  and  take  Springfield resident Spanky Blake  Or shoponline:
       Commissioner simply brushes it off  responsibility.” Stokes says, “black  says “I believe that anyone that has  Email:
       like it’s nothing. We are tired of this.  mothers are suffering from the pain  proventhattheydonotlove,orvalue  Facebook: Olive Tree Books-n-Voices
       The Mayor clearly said he’s tired of  oftheirchildrenbeingmurdered–all  black or brown people should not be
       this fucking shit as if we are not tired  unsolved!  The audacity of white  welcome into our homes, our
       oflosinglovedonesinthestreets.”  privilege!”             community and our lives…. that
       Whitfield states, “it is always  Bacheloradds,“Ifeelhedoesnotcare  ethnicity, or gender. We need to
       frustrating working with the Mayor  about us and does not deserve to be  carefully vet anyone that we allow in.
       and his continued rants about thugs,  welcomed in our community. I feel  We’ve been too free with resources,
       drug dealers and gang members and  his response was a smack in the face  meetings, and families. Enough is
       how we should increase the bail for  toshowuptothisneighborhoodthat  enough!”
       offenders.  To top things off, he  hear about gunshots while our
       strongly suggests that we, the  childrenareactuallygettingshot.”
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