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P. 1                                                                                                    APRIL 2021


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                                                      APRIL 2021 | Number 04 | NEW ENGLAND EDITION | Price: FREE



                                                                                             Springfield resident Charles Stokes  Responding to the concerns of Black
                                                                                             responded to the mayor with, "If  residents, Commissioner Clapprood
                                                                                             you're sick and tired, think of this  offers “I realize I've been at
                                                                                             mother who lost her child and the  community meetings before when
                                                                                             police have yet to solve the crime.”  tempers run high and somebody
                                                                                             Like many Black residents, Stokes  takes the whole thing over on their
                                                                                             goesontosay“I'mtiredofthemayor  side,ontheirpoint,andtheygetvery
                                                                                             withthisagendaofalwayswantingto  vocal and frustrated. So, it's usually
                                                                                             lock us up, not talking about mental  better for us to step aside and let
                                                                                             health, not talking about poor  them  vent  their  frustrations.”
                                                                                             spiritual health. We're not talking  Ironically in December of 2020,
                                                                                             about  young  people  in  our  Clapproodatapubliczoomforumon
                                                                                             community.”                  RaceRelationsinregardstotheDOJ
                                                                                                                          report denies that systemic racism
                                                                                             Springfield resident Andrew Keaton  exists within the Springfield Police
                                                                                             told the Metro Record that the Gun  Department. Clapprood stated “If I
                                                                                             Violence Commission has been in  saw an issue or a problem that I saw
                                                                                             effectforoverayear–themayorhas  or thought was systemic…I don’t see
       ByHalisiMoyo                membersreportedhearinggunshots  victims (Black & Latino) needing to  been absent and silent. Meanwhile  systemic racism in the department.
                                   intheneighborhood.           take  responsibility;  and  the  three people have died over the last  You’regonnahavesomeofficerswith
       On Saturday, March 27th, members                         community   should   consider  fewdaysandthemayorhasnological  someprejudices.”
       of  the  predominantly  White  Things took a turn when the mayor  marching on the district court  response. Keaton says he finds it
       McKnight Neighborhood Council  was interrupted during his speech.  because the courts continue to  ironic that the mayor all of a sudden  City CouncilorTracye Whitfield says,
       called a press conference with  The Mayor, invited to answer  release individuals he referred to as  has answers for this particular group  “regardless of who said what or why,
       Springfield Mayor Domenic Sarno  questions and address the issue of  “repeat offenders.” “But I'm sick and  butnotforothersthathaverequested  the Mayor and Commissioner have
       and Police Commissioner Cheryl  gun violence and recent shootings,  tired of the disrespect,” Springfield  an audience. Keaton says, “he is  tostandandlistenandnotwalkaway
       Clapprood to address gang violence  reportedly began to recite the  MayorDomenicSarnosaid.  supposed to be the people’s mayor,  and disregard residents. This is the
       on city streets, after one of their  prepared  and  often  repeated                   yet he only responds to certain  jobthatwe,aselectedofficialssigned
                                   statement about parents of the                            demographics.”               upfor.    Continued on Page 2

       Association of Black Business & Professionals                                         Springfield Strain LLC Proposes

       Offers Grants For Springfield Black Businesses                                        Recreational Marijuana

       Affected By COVID-19                                                                  Dispensary in Springfield

       Early last year I was shopping in  COVID-19 pandemic to help  which have some of the highest
       the  Eastfield  Mall.  A  new  maintain  operations  and  populations of Black residents.
       restaurant had opened in the  employment.                Additionally,         these
       food court, a black-owned soul                           neighborhoods   have   been
       food restaurant. With every new  In 2015, the Baker-Polito  among the hardest hit by the
       black business that opens, it’s  Administration launched the  pandemic.
       the realization of someone’s  Urban Agenda Grant Program
       dream.  An  opportunity  for  to promote “economic vitality”  In addition to the business grant
       employment   and    upward  in urban neighborhoods and the  funds  for  black  businesses
       mobility. I went back this week,  Administration  recently  ($70,000 in total), the program
       the location was no longer  announced continued funding  also provides funds to help
       there. Another possible victim  of the program as part of  disadvantaged Black and Brown
       of  COVID-19  that  is  not  economic recovery due to the  students  through  internship
       captured  in  the  numbers  pandemic. Per a recent press  stipends ($10,000 in total).  Springfield, MA – Springfield  Chief Procurement Officer for
       broadcast on the news.      release from the Baker-Polito                             Strain  LLC,  a  minority-led  the  City  of  Springfield,
                                   Administration, the program is  The ABBP is a Springfield, MA  corporation, has proposed a  investors,  the  Board  of
       A report by the National Bureau  designed to recognize “that  based non-profit organization  2.500-square-foot  adult  Directors  and  construction
       of Economic Research found  urban   centers  face  unique  with the mission to promote and  recreational  marijuana  contractors are all minorities.
       that  41%  of   black-owned  economic and quality of life  sustain  black  businesses,  dispensary at 711 Boston Rd.
       businesses   have    closed  challenges, and that the path to  professionals,  programs  and  (lower level) in Springfield's  Corbin said, "In my professional
       permanently  due   to   the  success lies in tapping into the  initiatives in the areas and  Pine  Point  Neighborhood.  experience, this may well be a
       pandemic, compared to just 17%  unique local assets that they  markets that we serve through  Springfield Strain has met all  first."
       of  white-owned  businesses.  already possess, rather than in  networking,  advocacy,  and  the criteria set forth by the
       While many will indicate that  one-size-fits-all directives from  education.  The  organization  Massachusetts  Cannabis  In addition, all but one of the
       the   Federal   government  government”.                 hosts the largest listing of black  Control  Commission  for  a  Board members are Springfield
       provided PPP loans to help                               business  in   the  Greater  social/equity  empowerment   residents.
       businesses and The City of  The   Association  of  Black  Springfield/ Greater Hartford  program dispensary with 100%
       Springfield provided “Prime the  Business  and  Professionals  area in the region on its website.  minority  investors.  The  As part of a host community
       Pump” funds. The numbers    (ABBP), in collaboration with  Additionally, the organization  dispensary will be locally owned  agreement, Springfield Strain
       illustrate the stark fact that  MassHire and The City of  holds educational workshops  and operated.               would give 30% of its net profits
       these  funds,  though  well  Springfield, has been awarded  tailored  towards  black                               to the City of Springfield and 3%
       received, have not been enough  $100,000  to  implement  professionals  and  business-                             to the Pine Point Citizens
       to sustain black businesses to  programs to directly address  owners monthly as well as other  The dispensary will offer sales of  Council. The organization also
       the end of the pandemic.    disparities  in    pandemic  events to improve the black  high-quality cannabis products  plans to establish educational
                                   recovery assistance in Black  business  and   professional  as well as product consultation  trade  programs  for  local
       This gives rise to the need for an  communities. This pandemic  community.            and education in a safe, secure  students.
       injection of capital specifically  recovery program targets the                       environment.
       tailored to black businesses in  McKnight, Upper Hill, Pine  For  more  information  and                           The City of Springfield plans to
       Springfield  that  have  been  Point, Bay, and Boston Road  instructions on how to apply,  According to Eddie Corbin,  announce  the  marijuana
       negatively  impacted  by  the  neighborhoods of Springfield  please visit  president of Springfield Strain  companies  selected  for
                                                                                             Board of Directors and former  negotiations on April 12
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