Page 4 - Mensaist 4th edition (July 2021)
P. 4

Issue 4                                                                      The Mensaist©


                  DECLARATION OF THE                                 bent on exploiting Black Africa's
                            NATIONAL                                               wealth.

                 REVOLUTIONARY PARTY                               However, in Eswatini, the rapacious
                OF BLACK AFRICA ABOUT                             monarchy has taken the oppression of
                      THE SITUATION IN                             the Black African people to a level of
                                                                         depravity seldomly seen.
                                                                  From misappropriating the country's
                                                                   funds to maintain the lavish lifestyle
                                                                    of Mwsati III, his plethora of wives
                                                                   and his cronies while the masses are
                                                                   living in abject poverty... to turning
                                                                      the country into a client state of
                 The National Revolutionary Party of                   Coca-Cola, it is clear that this
                Black Africa would like to express its              neocolonial monarchy has ruined
                 deepest sympathies to the people of                Eswatini at all practical levels. For
                 Eswatini (Swaziland), which is right              God's sake, the king of Eswatini was
                   now fighting one of the greatest                  more preoccupied with using the
                   battles against tyranny in Black                young women of the country for his
                   Africa: The struggle against the                personal desires than developing it.
                  corrupt and decaying monarchy of
                            King Mwsati III.                       With the little prospect of change in
                                                                      the country, it is clear that the
                     Yes, it is true that due to the               constant oppression of the masses of
                 proliferation of neocolonialism, our                 the country couldn't have gone
                    continent has become today a                            without a backlash.
                       cesspool of reprehensible
                governments and regimes, emerging                  The people of Eswatini have lost too
                    from the political decay of our               much under this corrupt regime. This
                   Motherland and the fact that the               is why they have been protesting for a
                 Black African ruling elite is indeed a                while now. But the regime is
                 comprador bourgeoisie, one totally                  responding with more and more
                    serving the interests of foreign                   brutality in total indifference.
                imperialist and capitalist forces, hell               Brutalizing unarmed citizens to
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