Page 7 - Mensaist 4th edition (July 2021)
P. 7

Opinion                                                                       The Mensaist©

                            (U.N), IT IS A TOOL OF IMPERIALIST DOMINATION!

                            he United                                              nations of this world, its
                           Nations is for                                          whole internal structure
                           me, a clear                                             as well as its decision
                           reminder of                                             making process is
                           the global                                              grossly unfair and anti-
                           demagoguery                                             democratic.
               in which our world has            “UN Assembly General Hall” by Basil D Soufi, is
               now deeply sunken. It             licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
               would be an                       The Korean Peninsula,             The UN segregates the
               understatement, to                Palestine, Vietnam,               nations between the
               assert that the global            Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya,         'haves' and 'have nots'.
               organization created              Syria, and many other             Those with the almost
               after World War II, by the        places were ravaged by            godlike powers of the
               war's winners, for the            wars, driven by                   veto right, and those
               main goal of maintaining          imperialist lust and              without it thereof. If it
               world peace, has                  greed. Leading to the             was indeed standing for
               completely failed in its          death of countless                equality between
               mission, just like its            innocents, and                    nations, it wouldn't only
               predecessor, the League           sometimes the                     reserve the veto right to
               of Nations.                       gruesome public                   a tiny minority

                                                 execution of some heads           composed of five
                                                 of States. What has the           nuclear armed States
               Since its creation the            UN done to safeguard              (USA; UK; France;
               United Nations has never          World peace? Nothing              Russia; China).
               really been a force of            significant.
               peace in the world. All it
               has been, is nothing                                                Equality, means actually
               more than a global fraud.         But it could have never           that, Equality. The UN is
               Claiming in its chart to          been otherwise. From              woefully unequal. An
               be standing for equality          the very start the UN was         organization symbolizing
               between nations, while            created as a global               a global fallacy. Which
               constantly allowing,              apparatus for a few               today, more often than
               since 1945,                       powerful nations, to              not, is totally aligned
               Western/Zionist                   keep the weaker ones in           with American
               imperialist nations to            line.The United Nations           Imperialism and its
               wage brutal wars in the           doesn't stand for                 obsession with bloody
               third world.                      equality between the              regime change.
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