Page 13 - TPGFBAO First Draft (5th Ed)
P. 13


                                  FROM REACTIVE

                                     TO PROACTIVE

            To progress in life, we need to be proactive. The journey of self improvement

            often involves moving from being reactive to proactive. This essay guides you

            in a very simple manner on developing your proactive nature.

            Making the Leap

            When we make a promise to ourselves and keep it, we take the first step to-

            wards the development of our proactive nature. We can set daily or weekly

            targets in various spheres of our lives and attain them. Being able to achieve

            targets set for the first week has been critical in the process of self improve-

            ment for most of my students. This week gave them the confidence and self

            belief to attain their monthly targets. It improved their self discipline. Their

            planned schedules faced hindrances like family and health issues, reversion

            to old comfort zone of unplanned living or fatigue. These hindrances did not

            deter them from losing their sense of organised living and discipline. This is

            the first crucial step in our journey from reactive to proactive.

            We can categorise aspects which concern us into the following categories:

            Direct Control (own behaviour), Indirect Control (behaviour of others, which

            we can influence by our conduct-parents, family members, friends and col-

            leagues) and, No Control (weather, performance of government, SSB selec-

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