Page 14 - TPGFBAO First Draft (5th Ed)
P. 14

tion process, inflation, being caught in traffic jam, waiting in queue and so


            A proactive individual will focus their energies primarily on Direct Control

            aspects; little on Indirect Control aspects; and little to nothing on No Control

            aspects. Meanwhile reactive people compulsively focus their energies on No

            Control aspects and keep getting frustrated and exasperated. Thereby reduc-

            ing the energy available to be focused on Direct and Indirect Control aspects.

             Making the leap from a reactive to proactive nature can improve our self

            control,  sense  of  responsibility  and  consequently  self  confidence. We  will

            find ourselves in greater control of our lives, being driven more by our values

            and much lesser by others and our impulses. A value driven student will find

            it easy to concentrate on his studies (a target set by them) while all their

            friends are enjoying watching an Indian Premier League match! A value dri-

            ven working professional will find it convenient to exercise regularly, or in-

            vest in their growth while their colleagues waste their free time in amuse-

            ment  and  gossip.  Sustained  living  in  this  manner  for  a  few  weeks  and

            months makes us more responsible in our lives. We will not even realise how

            this step-by-step, evolutionary growth, will have a revolutionary impact on

            our lives. Our personalities would have improved dramatically in facets like

            willpower, determination, mental and physical stamina. These qualities will

            set us on the path of sustained growth and long term success in our lives.

            This is a simple way to develop a proactive nature.

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