Page 40 - TPGFBAO First Draft (5th Ed)
P. 40
Consider Reasoning Ability as a Muscle
By training we can improve all our natural endowments. Consider reason-
ing ability as a muscle. It can be improved by systematic training. So, train
hard and train often.
Meditation/Visualisation to Improve Reason-
ing Ability
Meditation involves focusing the mind and removing distractions. It is a
good exercise to improve reasoning ability. Visualising is another great men-
tal exercise. You can create a mental image in your mind about anything of
concern; hold that image with clarity to improve logical thought process.
Regular Writing to Improve Reasoning Ability
We often think that we understand a particular thing or concept. We are sur-
prised when we try writing it down and realise that we lacked clarity and had
not understood the concept in totality. Writing helps us gain clarity of under-
standing and improve reasoning ability.
Teaching to Improve Reasoning Ability
When we have to teach someone it is a great mental exercise. My experience
shows that students who have been teaching regularly gain greater clarity of
concepts compared with others. This is another way to improve reasoning