Page 38 - TPGFBAO First Draft (5th Ed)
P. 38
ESSAY #10:
Reasoning ability means using reason or logic in thinking out a problem
in accordance with the principles of logic or reason. Reasoning ability also
implies using rational thinking and not getting affected by emotions. Ratio-
nal thinking would imply having a scientific temper of inquiry and reliance
on empirical evidence rather than blind faith in accepted social and religious
Popular belief is that reasoning ability is largely genetically determined. This
is not true. Genetics determine reasoning ability to some extent. Reason-
ing ability, like practically all human endowments, can be improved. In this
chapter we will discuss how to improve reasoning ability?
Understanding the Reasoning Process
Unless we know how someone arrived at a conclusion, we can critique only
the answer or conclusion. If we break the process of thinking into individual
steps, we are better able to critique both our own thinking process and that
of others. Math teachers often advise their students to show their work. If all
that counts is the answer, the work (or process) is irrelevant. Showing the
work allows teachers (and students) to know just where the students may
have gone wrong. Did they totally miss a concept or did they make a simple
transposition error? This helps in future guidance and improving reasoning