Page 55 - TPGFBAO First Draft (5th Ed)
P. 55

• Would have developed willpower & determination through tough times

               faced at home & school/college like exams & other pressure/deadline ori-

               ented tasks.

            • Would  have  some  hobbies  &  interests  &  would  have  been  involved  in

               some  extra  curricular  activities,  which  would  have  aided  personality

               growth in fields other than the prescribed curriculum.

            • Would have a reasonable interest in knowing about important National &

               International events & social issues & have an independent opinion on


            Reasons for deficiencies in QLQs

            It would be apparent from the discussion that the above should be a very

            normal profile of a candidate. Such a candidate would be selectable. Nothing

            extra ordinary is required!

            Unfortunately, a large number of candidates do not develop these qualities

            because their growth lacks balance. This mis balance is caused by undue fo-

            cus on marks and wastage of considerable time in attending extra tuition


            How to develop OLQs

            If you have led a normal life of a student as discussed above, then there is no

            problem. You would be have adequate OLQs.

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