Page 59 - TPGFBAO First Draft (5th Ed)
P. 59

Screening Test

            Picture Perception & Description Test (PPDT)

            It involves two aspects- first is writing a story, & second is a discussion on the

            story.You will be shown a black & white, hazy picture for 30 secs.You are re-

            quired to write some particulars in the available box in the answer sheet,

            which includes No of Characters, their Age, Sex & Mood.You have to identify

            the  main  character  &  build  the  story  around  him/her.  It  is  convenient  to

            name the character (helps in discussion stage).You are required to describe

            what the scene in the picture depicts (what is going on).You have to visualize

            & write, what led to the present scene (what happened in the past).You have

            to foresee the future & write it. (What will happen in the future).The entire

            story has to be written in about 3 mins & submitted.

            Tips for Story Writing


            Pre-prepared Story: Some coached candidates (generally ACC & SCO en-

            tries), come with a misconception that the time is too less to make a story &

            hence come with a pre-prepared story & fit it there. Often the main character

            in such stories is narrated as a young man who joins the Defence Services &

            also gets a decoration! There is nothing in the picture to suggest any of these

            things.  There  are  several  such  “positive”  coaching  academy  type  stories

            which can be easily found out by the assessors. Such stories have an adverse

            impact on the clearance of Stage 1 by the subject candidate.Stories Display-

            ing Wrong Interpretation of Positive Thinking. Experience shows that quite a

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