Page 63 - TPGFBAO First Draft (5th Ed)
P. 63

followed till last slide {blank slide}. The tips for TAT are the same as for the

            story of PPDT. Go prepared with the story for the blank slide.


            You  will  be  shown  60  words  back  to  back;  each  word  will  remain  on  the

            screen  for  15secs.  In  15secs  you  are  required  to  write  a  sentence  which

            comes to your mind first after reading that word. Likewise, you have to write

            60 sentences continuously without any pause in between.


            It is not possible to go prepared with 60 sentences, as some coached candi-

            dates try to do & in fact succeed in writing quite a few such sentences. This

            does not help, because only the spontaneous response is consistent with the

            personality  of  the  candidate.  The  psychologist  analyses  the  complete  re-

            sponses to construct a holistic & consistent personality of the individual. Any

            prepared response will be inconsistent with the complete battery of answers

            & hence will get ignored.


            You will get a booklet with 60 situations written on it. You are required to

            write your responses based on those 60 situations. Time allotted will be 30


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