P. 17

                                              TOPIC -4


        Quick points to remember:

           •  The term 'terrorism’ has its origin from the French Revolution of the late 18th
           •  Gained popularity during the reign of U.S president Ronald Reagan.
           •  It is a form of violence that is generally driven by political, ideological, financial
               or religious motive.
           •  Terrorism has claimed millions of innocent lives throughout the world.


        War and terrorism have been prevalent among humans from time immemorial, but it
        has gained prominence in recent times because of the severe atrocities associated
        with  it.  In  the  broadest  meaning  of  the  term,  terrorism  is  the  intentional  use  of
        indiscriminate violence in order to instill fear among the people for financial, political,
        ideological or religious agendas. Though there is no specific, accepted definition of
        terrorism, it is generally associated with something which is morally wrong and is
        used as a weapon by both left and right wing politicians, fascists, religious fanatics
        and sometimes even the ruling government.

        The  main  problem  with  labeling  someone  as  a  terrorist  is  the  difference  in
        perspective. To defenders of a particular ideology, a violent act by the opposition is
        terrorism.  Similarly,  any  act  to  repress  or  restrain  the  opposition  is  defined  as
        terrorism by them. So, basically it is a double-edged sword, the main sufferers being
        the common and innocent people. Terrorism can be spread either in the form of
        fanatical groups like al-Qaeda or Boko Haram who commit heinous crimes in the
        name of religion or it may be in the form of an individual, the ‘ lone-wolf’ terrorist who
        operates alone and commits an act of violence in a mass scale.

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