P. 20

                                              TOPIC -5

                                       Women Empowerment

        Quick points to remember:

               •  Employment of women stands at a considerably lower percentage than
               •  Empowered women contribute to an increased growth of the economy of
                   a country.
               •  Education of women decreases chances of child mortality.
               •  Women are paid much lesser than men for similar kind of work.


        The two genders, men and women, have always co-existed. There have been times
        when women have been subdued, subjugated to oppression and ridicule and their
        freedom has been taken away. The fact can’t be denied that empowerment of women
        is necessary for the development of the society. Women empowerment points to the
        fact that social, political, judicial and all other rights should be equally given to women
        and there should not be any discrimination.
        Women empowerment, to some extent, points towards gender equality, mainly due
        to the fact that it has been a male patriarchal society for a long time and women have
        not been able to exercise their rights efficiently. Entire nation, communities, groups
        stand  to  benefit  from  measures  taken  for  women  empowerment  as  it  not  only
        increases the quantity and quality of human resources available, but also helps to
        overthrow the obstacles of development and poverty.

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