P. 45
Every candidate must conform to the minimum standards laid down in the
succeeding paragraphs. The general build should be well developed and
Surgical Sequelae and Abnormalities
Sequelae of Fractures/ Old injuries. The residual effects of such fractures/
injuries are to be assessed for any functional limitation. If there is no effect
on function, the candidate can be assessed fit. Cases of old fractures of
spine are unfit. Any residual deformity of spine or compression of a vertebra
will be cause for rejection. Injuries involving the trunks of the larger nerves,
resulting in loss of function, or scarring, which cause pain or cramps,
indicate unsuitability for employment in flying duties. The presence of large
or multiple keloids will be cause for rejection.
Scars and Birth Marks. Minor scars for e.g. as resulting from the removal
of tuberculous glands do not, per se, indicate unsuitability for employment
on flying duties. Extensive scarring of a limb or torso that may cause
functional limitation or unsightly appearance should be considered unfit.
Cervical Rib. A well fully developed unilateral cervical rib or a rudimentary
large cervical rib with signs or symptoms referable to the rib is a cause for
rejection. Rudimentary small cervical rib without signs or symptoms referable
to it may be considered fit. However, the defect is to be recorded as a minor
disability in the medical board proceedings. Bilateral cervical ribs without any
neurovascular compromise will be acceptable.
Asymmetry of the face and head, which will interfere with proper fitting of
oxygen mask and helmet, will be a cause for rejection for flying duties.
History relating to operations. A candidate who has undergone an
abdominal operation, other than a simple appendicectomy, involving