P. 50
Pulmonary TB. Any residual scarring in pulmonary parenchyma or pleura, as
evidenced by a demonstrable opacity on chest skiagram will be a ground for
Pleurisy with Effusion. Any evidence of significant residual pleural
thickening will be a cause for rejection. Old treated cases with no residual
abnormality can be accepted if the diagnosis and treatment was completed
more than two year earlier. In these cases, a CT scan chest and fibro optic
bronchoscopy with bronchial lavage can be done alongwith USG, ESR, and
Mantoux test. If all the tests are normal the candidate may be considered fit.
Bronchitis. History of repeated attacks of cough/ wheezing/ bronchitis may
be manifestations of chronic bronchitis or other chronic pathology of the
respiratory tract. Such cases will be assessed unfit.
Bronchial Asthma. History of repeated attacks of bronchial asthma/
wheezing/ allergic rhinitis will be a cause for rejection.
Radiographs of the chest. Definite radiological evidence of disease of the
lungs, mediastinum and pleurae indicates unsuitability for employment.
Relevant History. The examiner should enquire whether the candidate has
any past history of ulceration or infection of the mouth, tongue, gums or
throat. Record should be made of any major dental alteration.
When discussing a candidate’s medical history the examiner must ask direct
questions about any history of heart burn, history of recurrent dyspepsia,
peptic ulcer-type pain, persistent diarrhoea, jaundice or biliary colic.