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with diseased, non-functional contralateral kidney will entail rejection.
Crossed ectopia, unascended kidney(s) will be a cause for rejection.
Undescended Testis. Bilateral undescended testis / atrophied testis will be
a cause for rejection. Unilateral undescended testis, if entirely retained in the
abdomen, is acceptable. If it lies in the inguinal canal, at the external ring or
in the abdominal wall, such cases may be accepted after either orchiectomy
or orchipexy operation. In all doubtful cases surgical opinion must be
obtained regarding fitness.
Hydrocele or Varicocele. These should be properly treated before fitness is
considered. Minor degree of varicocele should not entail rejection.
Generally any history suggestive of endocrine disorders will be a cause for
All cases of thyroid swelling having abnormal iodine uptake and abnormal
thyroid hormone levels will be rejected. Cases of simple goiter with minimal
thyroid swelling, who are clinically euthyroid and have normal iodine uptake
and normal thyroid functions may be accepted.
Candidates detected to have diabetes mellitus will be rejected. A
candidate with a family history of diabetes mellitus will be subjected to
blood sugar and Glycosylated Hb evaluation, which will be recorded.